Liberia: Hundreds Receive Free Medical Services at ArcelorMittal-supported Community Health Outreach in Nimba

Nimba County ─ Hundreds of residents of three communities in Nimba County have begun benefiting from a weeklong free medical outreach program launched by ArcelorMittal Liberia in conjunction with the Nimba County Health Team.

A team of medical professionals including doctors and nurses from the ArcelorMittal Liberia and the Nimba County Health Team is simultaneously visiting Gbapa, Lugbeyee, and Bunadin and offering free medical care to residents such as onsite physical examination & medical consultations, medical treatment, and referrals of special cases where necessary.

Voluntary vaccination for COVID-19 and screening for other illnesses is also being carried out.

The launch of the free medical outreach in Gbapa on January 10, 2022, brought together local chiefs and officials, several women, and youth and will last for a week.

“We are starting with three communities in the rail and mines communities, and we are mainly targeting the youths, women, and children. We are treating common illnesses including Malaria, Respiratory infection (Cough), Skin Disease (Fungus Infection), and Sexually Transmitted Disease. When we see big sickness (complication), we will refer you to the hospital,” said Dr. Garfee Williams, Chief Medical Officer of AML Health Services.

Nimba County Health Officer (CHO) Dr. Netty Joe assured beneficiaries that they will do as much as they can to capture every targeted community and those with complications will be referred to a surgical team that is expected to arrive in Nimba in March.

Meanwhile, the Statutory Superintendent of Sanniquellie Mahn District Eric Tokpah has commended ArcelorMittal Liberia and the Nimba County Health Team for prioritizing the health and wellbeing of community members through the free medical outreach.

The local official called for a continuation of such a health program for his people.

Also speaking, Matthew Dolo, Clan Chief of Gba Clan said that the health services being offered, coupled with other recent social development activities have made them feel the impact of ArcelorMittal Liberia.

ArcelorMittal Liberia’s Corporate Social Responsibility Manager Eric Swen explained said while AML is not a perfect company, it continues to demonstrate that it values its relationship with communities accelerating direct engagement to further cement the strong bond.

Swen added, “We have helped to build a clinic here in Gbapa, but how many people know? So, we have seen where we made the mistakes and are coming to you directly now with what AML has for you so you can know how well the company cares for you.”

The objective of free medical outreach which was earlier launched in Grand Bassa County is to improve access to medical services including immunization, coupled with awareness on COVID-19 prevention in these communities.  

ArcelorMittal LiberiaNimba County
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