Liberia: Judges Release Two Alleged Rapists On Bail In Nimba County

Sanniquellie – Two judges of the 8th Judicial Circuit Court in Sanniquellie, Nimba County have released on bail two persons charged with rape.

Resident Judge Roland Dahn of the 8th Judicial Circuit Court and Criminal Court E Judge Hector W. Guoigoah released Wilfred P. Mendein, 31, of Bleagypa Community in Ganta and a Guinean traditional herbalist based in Saclepea, Saye Minzee, 43. 

Both men were charged by the Liberia National Police in Saclepea and Ganta respectively with statutory rape and were sent to the Sanniquellie central prison ahead of prosecution.

For suspect Mendein of Ganta, he along with one of his friends, Matthew Nyandoboh 31, are still in prison while the two judges through the intervention of Attorney- at- law, Lawrence Sua, released Mendein on bond while the Guinean traditional herbalist, Minzee was released for three months to seek medical treatment.

Criminal Court E Judge Quoigoah confirmed to FrontPageAfrica that both of them made a mistake and they will recall the suspects to face trial.

“Please forget this rape case about Wilfred P.Mendein; two of us made a mistake but trust me, we will recall him and I will judge the case,” said Quoigoah.

When contacted, Attorney Sua told FPA that 31-year-old Wilfred Mendein was released on bond to seek medical treatment in Monrovia and the process was done with document from the court.

Meanwhile, the head of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) for a conglomerate of non-governmental organizations in Nimba County, Alexander Nya of CHESS-Liberia has expressed disappointment in the court for the alleged flawed decision. Nya is calling for the re-arrest of the two alleged rapists.

The Executive Director for CHESS-Liberia told FrontPageAfrica that his organization goal is to seek the interest of human through the laws and combat abuses against women and girls.

LiberiaNimba CountyRape
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