Liberia: Tappita District Development Association Donates Essential Drugs to Jackson F. Doe Hospital

TADDA delegation joined by the management of JFD Hospital and local authorities following the donation of a consignment of drugs to JFD, as part of efforts to augment the Government and management of the hospital in providing medical services to the locals and Liberians at large.

Tappita, Nimba County – The charity group, Tappita District Development Association (TADDA) has donated a consignment of drugs to the Jackson F. Doe (JFD) Memorial Referral Hospital in Tappita, Nimba County.

TADDA comprises citizens hailing from Tappita Statutory District residing in Liberia and the diaspora.

Making the donation recently at the Hospital in Tappita, the Executive Director of TADDA, Joanne Toweh said the gesture is the organization’s way of identifying with the Government and management of the hospital in providing health services to the population of the area and Liberia at large.

Madam Toweh, a native of Tappita District, currently resides in the United States. On her visit to Liberia recently, she led a delegation including members of TADDA Liberia to Tappita for the donation.

She said the money generated to purchase the drugs was raised from a rally held in Monrovia to support the hospital.

She thanked the management of the hospital for the great job in in serving the people over the years and pledged TADDA’s commitments to supporting the hospital in whatever positive way it can.

“I want you all to know that this is a relationship building process. That we will do more and better things together. I am proud of the hospital and I like what you guys are doing for the people and the nation,” she said.

“TADDA is a non-political organization, we are charity based. So, whatever we can do to help each other we will do it.  I want to pledge our commitment to the hospital again, we will do everything to help the community through the hospital.”

She revealed that TADDA is working with partners in the United States to bring in a huge consignment of medical supplies for the hospital and clinics within the district.

Receiving the medicines including Amoxicillin, Erythromycin, Cyproheptadine, Hepatitis B vaccines and examination gloves worth more than US$2,000, the Chief Medical Officer of JFD, Dr. Saygbeh M. Vanyanbah thanked TADDA for the donation and said the gesture is an act of true patriotism.

“This is what we call true stakeholder-ship. To be a stakeholder does not limit you to just be an advocate.  So, I want to take this time to tell the TADDA family in the US and back home here that we are very elated that they could come and identify with the hospital,” he lauded.

“Even though this hospital is in Tappita, Nimba County, this hospital is for the entire country and has been doing just that by serving the entire population. So, your gesture today is not only for the people of Tappita, it is for the entire country.”

Dr. Vanyanbah, speaking further revealed that the gesture came at the time the hospital is going through tough times due to stressed budget.

Meanwhile, funding for the drugs was generated from the ongoing ‘One Dollar’ rally in support of JFD Hospital.

According to the Chairperson of TADDA Monrovia Chapter, Marie Gonkerwon, TADDA intends to reach out to every Liberian to contribute at least US$1 to raise the targeted amount of US$200,000 for the procurement of some essential materials for the hospital.

The materials, she said include essential drugs, a transformer to bring in electricity to the hospital, as well as hiring a resident neurosurgeon to work at the hospital.

She thanked all those who have contributed so far and called on every Liberian to make their contribution toward the rally via the organization’s bank accounts at the Liberia Bank for Development and Investment (LBDI): 001USD40489999201 and 001LRD40489999202 or mobile money account: 0880881540.

“As host community of the hospital, we believe our collective effort, as small it might be, will help augment the effort of the Government of Liberia, the hospital’s management and partners in meeting the health needs of our people,” Madam Gonkerwon said.

TADDA is a non-government organization established in the early 2000s by group of citizens hailing from Tappita Statutory District in Nimba County residing in the United States.

With branches both in the United States and Liberia, the organization has undertaken several development projects in the district including the renovation of schools, supply of medical equipment and medicines and construction of hand pumps and latrines.

TADDA also provides financial aid to students hailing from Tappita District at tertiary institutions across Liberia.

In Liberia, it is headed by Joe W. Bantu as Country Representative. Madam Gonkerwon serves as Deputy Country Representative and Chairperson of Monrovia Chapter.

appita District Development AssociationGerald C. KoinyenehJackson Doe HospitalLiberiaNimba County
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