Liberia: JFK, Redemption Hospitals Get Medical Supplies

Monrovia – Liberians in the Americas under the banner Federation of Liberian Mandingos Association in the USA (FELMAUSA) have concluded the distribution of drugs and assorted medical items to private and public health facilities around the country.

Report by Edwin G. Genoway, Jr(231886458910)

FELMAUSA donated medical supply to the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, Redemption Hospital and CB Dunbar Hospital in Bong County and several private clinics and hospitals.

JFK benefited a US$45,000 medical supplies, with its procurement officer Jerry Kennedy promising to use the items for the benefit of the hospital.

“We thank you for the donation and pray that you continue your hard work; we encouraged others to do same as you are doing now,” Kennedy said.

The group donation comes at the time Liberia’s health sector is being faced with challenges.

Major government hospitals including Phebe and CB Dunbar in Bong County, CH Rennie Hospital in Margibi and the Telewaon Hopspital in Lofa County amongst others are said to be out of medical supplies.

According to the Chairman of the FELMAUSA Medical Mission, Morris Kromah, it is “saddened for the people of Liberia to be struggling on health matters at a time technology is taking over the world”.

“After the war, we believed that most of our people were killed, we need not bring guns to kill our people anymore, our people must live and be healthy and stay alive,” Kromah said, adding that this is the third donation from his organization.

“We also bring along these supplies foreign specialists and doctors to help treat our people,” he said.

The group has decided to stop bringing foreign doctors, instead, professional Liberians in the medical field in the United States volunteered to provide free services for their compatriots.

“We want to help, many people are of the conviction that we do not belong in Liberia. So, we thought it wise to contribute and ignore whatever will be said about us, one thing we know, we are all Liberians fighting for one goal,” he said.

Kromah said most of the items donated are surgical items to enhance the operations of the health facilities, adding that 10 counties benefited from the supplies.

“We intend to supply all the counties in the country but for this donation, we were able to supply more than 10 counties. We targeted major private health centers including some leading government health facilities, we are proud to be a help to our nation in these troubling times,” he said.

District #17 Representatives, Hassan Kiazolu thanked the US-based Liberian group and promised that his district will utilize the items for the intended purpose.

“Our people will be glad to receive these items from FELMAUSA; we hope that the rest of the team abroad will be encouraged to do more for their people back home,” he said.

Meanwhile, FELMAUSA also donated assorted medical supplies and shoes to Islam Incorporated – an organization headed by its former president Sheick Mohammed A. Dukuly.

Receiving the items on behalf of Islam Incorporated, Mr. Dukuly stressed the need for all Liberians to be healthy and urged his colleagues at FELMAUSA to continue their hard work for the people of Liberia. More than 300 kids of the Kahatain Children Village also received a pair of shoes each. Kahatain is an Islamic orphan School located in VOA outside Monrovia.

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