USAID, LEGIT Takes Accountability Training to Grand Gedeh County

Monrovia – In an effort to promote the twin concept of transparency and accountability at the counties level,  USAID Local Empowerment for Government Inclusion and Transparency (LEGIT)  Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (M&EL) Team conducts three-day technical training in Monitoring and Evaluations.

The training, which started on 28 March 2017 in the city of Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County brought together officials of the city and county authorities, county monitoring officers, and representatives from the government Ministries, Agencies and Commissions (MAC). Also in attendance were technical staff of LEGIT and the County Teams.

During the official opening of the training, Grand Gedeh County Assistant Development Superintendent, Abraham Gbeway welcomed LEGIT technical team to the county.

In his welcome remarks, he thanked LEGIT for selecting Grand Gedeh as a host County for the training.

He expressed the significance of monitoring and evaluation and challenged every participant to use the knowledge gained to improve the performances of their daily work at the county and city levels.

Speaking on behalf of the LEGIT Project, Judy Oduma, LEGIT Capacity Development and Field Manager expressed the project commitment to bridge the capacity gap that exist within the county and city authorities of Bong, Nimba and Grand Gedeh Counties.

Madam Oduma also expressed commitment to work with the county and city authorities to ensure the success of LEGIT project.  

For his part, the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager, George Tee Forpoh provided the training overview. In his remark, Mr. Forpoh said the training is in fulfillment of the Automated Data System (ADS), specifically ADS 203- a chapter that provides guidance for USAID operating units-USAID missions, regional platforms, Washington Bureaus, and Offices by assessing and learning.

Henceforth referred to as USAID mission and offices on agency practices and standards use to determine how existence objectives are achieving their result.

The training is expected to end on 30 March 2017.

LEGIT is a US$10 million USAID supported project that seeks to increase the accountability, transparency and effectiveness of sub-national governments’ resources in three of the fifteen counties of Liberia-namely; Gbarnga City, Bong County, Ganta City, Nimba County and Zwedru City, Grand Gedeh County. LEGIT provides support to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Governance Commission as they lead, monitor, and coordinate the implementation of Liberia’s decentralization agenda.

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