Liberia: Islamic Community Signs Resolution to Promote Unity, Peaceful Co-existence

The Grand Mufti of Liberia, Shiekh Abubarkar Sumaworo

Monrovia – More than 350 Imams and Islamic Scholars from 122 Islamic institutions including the National Muslim Council of Liberia, National Imam Council and the Leagues of Islamic Scholars have signed a resolution for greater unity within the Islamic community of Liberia.

The resolution of the Muslim Leaders followed a two-day conference from March 23 to 24 2019 under the theme, “The role of the Islamic Institutions in unifying the Muslims and their role in the national Peaceful Coexistence in Liberia.

Speaking to reporters after the conference, the Grand Mufti of Liberia, Shiekh Abubarkar Sumaworo lauded the Imams and Islamic scholars for the corporation and urged them to unite in the interest of the Islamic community.

Sheikh Sumaworo explained that they have also agreed to respect all laws instituted by the government in the running of their respective institutions and discussed the role of their institutions in educating their followers to be law abiding citizens.

The participants resolved that working in accordance with the Qur’an and traditions of Prophet Mohamed is an obligation of every Islamic institution with the understanding of righteous previous generations.

The Muslim leader stressed the need for cooperation and coordination among the various mosques especially in receiving reverts, beginning of Ramadan, deciding on the two Islamic fests and uniformity of sermons during critical events.

“We should cooperate and coordinate among the various schools and learning institutions with keeping in mind to unify their curricula in order to smoothly achieve their aims and objectives,” they said.

According to him, participants have resolved that Liberian Muslims should avoid any violent means to solve their problem and adhere to the rule of law.

Participants including Imams and Islamic Scholars at a two-day retreat aimed at fostering unity among Muslims in Liberia

They recommended the establishment of a union of all Islamic organizations and institutions and resolved that no one should issue a general Islamic verdict without qualification; adding uniformity of Islamic verdict is paramount to foster the unity and protect the general public from confusion.

At the same time, Sheikh Sumaworo explained that the Muslim community has also agreed to respect all laws instituted by the government in the running of their respective institutions and discussed the role of their institutions in educating their followers to be law abiding citizens.

The Liberian Muslims, he said recognize the efforts of President George M. Weah in finding solution to the inherited national problems, putting plans and agenda in developing the nation and extol him for his solidarity with Muslim community in safeguarding their constitutional rights.

He urged he urged the Government of Liberia not to allow any deviant ideologies in Liberia.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Community in Liberia has condemned the recent terrorist attack on Muslims at two separate mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand which killed 50 people and injured another 50.

The two-day conference was sponsored by the Union of African Scholars who opened their membership to Liberian Imams and Scholars.

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