Renowned Healthcare Practitioner Based in the U.S. Calls on Liberians to come back Home and Contribute to their Country

Monrovia – Dr. Stella Jefferies, a renowned Liberian health practitioner is calling on fellow Liberians in the diaspora to come home with all of the skills and rebuild the country.

“It’s time that we as Liberians that are living in the diaspora to come back home and do all we can to help our people,” Dr. Jefferies said.

Dr. Jefferies made the assertion when she rendered free testing to community members at her newly built clinic in Caldwell, outside Monrovia.

According to Madam Jefferies, her clinic will be fully open to the public in May of 2021. She said the clinic with a low cost when completed will alleviate the many health issues the people are faced with in that part of Montserrado County.

Dr. Jefferies said similar clinic will be built in other parts of the country to help with the health constraints.

She said her entity, the Liberia Investment Group is in partnership with the Liberia Advance practice Nursery Network, the Liberia Diaspora healthcare Taskforce, and other institutions that are in the diaspora.

“We have to partner with our people so we can help revitalize our country,” the CEO of the Liberia Investment Group said.

Madam Jefferies called on Liberians to come and invest in not only Liberia’s health sector but real estate, agriculture sector, and other areas.

Dr. Jefferies stressed that no one loves Liberia more than Liberians themselves. She added that Liberians should not sit while other nationals are investing in their countries.

“It’s time to put away all the rhetoric and focus on investing in the country. The Lebanese, the Chinese and the Indians are taking over our economy and we are only concerning ourselves with politics,” she lamented.

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