Concerned Grand Gedeh Citizens in the Diaspora Express Disappointment in United Grand Gedeans for Sustainable Peace and Development

We, the Concerned Grand Gedeh Citizens in the Diaspora, read, with deep disappointment and dismay, a press release issued recently by a group calling itself the “United Grand Gedeans for Sustainable Peace and Development.” The press statement condemned the petition submitted recently to the President of Liberia, through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, by the Grand Gedeh County Senior Citizens Grievance Committee, Congress for Democratic Change (CDC). 

The Committee’s petition called for the dismissal of the Superintendent of the County, Hon. Kai G. Farley, for his failure to meet with the citizens to address a number of pressing development and management issues in the county, including utilization of the county’s Annual Development Funds, management of the county’s earth moving equipment, the superintendent’s demonstrated indifference to the county’s infrastructural and other development needs, and the presence in the county’s forests of several Burkinabes who are engaged in agricultural work.   Faced with these grave issues, we are appalled that any group of Grand Gedeans will attempt to politicize this call for accountability.

We, Concerned Grand Gedeh Citizens in the Diaspora, raised some of the very issues, raised in the Grand Gedeh County Senior Citizens Grievance Committee’s petition, in our letter of October 20, 2021 to the President, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah.  We suspect, therefore, that the condemnation of the petition recently submitted to the President was the work of paid agents who either have no clue about what is going on in the county, or who are seeking to protect the interests of their patrons who care less that Grand Gedeh County is wallowing in underdevelopment and bad governance.  

The issues that the Grand Gedeh County Senior Citizens Grievance Committee raised in their petition are long standing grievances of most Grand Gedeans, including many here in the Diaspora.  We believe, therefore, that the Committee speaks for the majority of the citizens of Grand Gedeh County.  We, the Concerned Grand Gedeh Citizens in the Diaspora, therefore, wish to let it be known that we stand with the Committee in its call for accountability and offer our unqualified support for its petition.  We respectfully call on the President of Liberia, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, to bring relief to the county by granting the petitioners’ request. 

Signed: _______________________________________________________

Mr. Anthony Young Urey (USA)


Approved: _____________________________________________________

Hon. Sampson L. Diahn (USA)


Former Assistant Minister for Presidential Affairs, Republic of Liberia

Attested: _____________________________________________________

H.E. Harold G. Tarr, Sr. (USA)

Board Chairman

Former Liberian Ambassador to the Ivory Coast


Ms. Sharon Brown (USA)


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