Liberia: Grand Gedeh Youths Condemn Call for the Removal of Supt. Kai G. Farley

The United Grand Gedeans for Sustainable Peace and Development condemned the recent communication sent to the President of the Republic of Liberia, through the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the press conference called by ‘senior concerned citizens’ of Grand Gedeh. We  the United Grand Gedeans for Sustainable Peace and Development call on them to desist from undermining the peace, stability, and development of the county by extension Liberia.

Citizens of the eight Administrative Districts, Grand Gedeh Legislative caucus, local authority, our traditional chiefs and leaders, Religious Council , Our marketeers, pin-pin riders, students community, the Disable Community, our various women groups, security apparatus, members of the fourth estate, fellow Grand Gedeans, Distinguish ladies and gentlemen.  

 It can be recalled that a quote on quote elders under the banner of senior citizens of Grand Gedeh wrote a communication to the county Superintendent with inventive and demanding report on the affairs of the county.

Predicated upon the said communication, the local authority headed by Superintendent Farley invited them along with the CSOs, the Religious leaders and the press to dialogue on local and national concerns raised. Unfortunately, the quote on quote elders under the banner of senior concerned citizens deliberately refused to turn out without tangible reason(s).

On the 6th of April 2022, the same quote on quote concern held a press conference at the residence of one failed politician and a retired instructor at the Grand Gedeh County Community College demanding the immediate dismissal of Hon. Kai G. Farley as Superintendent of Grand Gedeh County, which we considered as a move to impede peace and development in our beloved county mama Gedeh.

In furtherance of said petition count #8 quote, since your ascendency as Superintendent of Grand Gedeh County we have been observing the following:

  1. Insensitive to the plight of the citizens
  2. Lackadaisical approach to development
  3. Unilateral decision making habit in Administrative  decision making
  4. Lack of tangible development project during your Administration.

It is inhuman to note that the so called and failed politicians blind their eyes on the existing realities and frantic effort made by the President through the county authority headed by Superintendent Kai G. Farley on the following projects despite the numerous challenges.

To prove them wrong, below are some of these projects achieved by the Administration of Hon. Kai G. Farley, but not limited to:

  1. Infrastructure Development
  1. Opening of major allies in Zwedru City
    1. Farm to Market Road from Zwedru to Niao Bawaydee
    1. Farm to market road from Zleh Town to Gbarzon Quebo
    1. Farm to market road from Zwedru to Konobo Ziah Town.
    1. International road from Biah Toe Town to Biah Toe Town boarder connecting Liberia and Ivory Coast.
    1. International road from Zwedru to Garley Town Boarder, connecting Liberia and Ivory Coast on going.
  • Face one of the one hundred housing units has been completed in Kpelleh village, Tuzon Junction, Gbargbo Town and Pelizon Communities.
  • The ongoing construction of the Two hundred housing Units, of which 70 is completed in PTP Refugee Camp. 
  • The modern Town Hall completed and dedicated in Toffoi Town, Kanneh Clan.
  • The ongoing construction of Dr. Samuel K. Doe 80 bedrooms referral hospital in Zwedru.
  • The reconditioning of Zwedru central market completed and pending dedication.
  • The construction of annex at the level of Grand Gedeh Community College
  • The construction of a modern clinic in Tarlioken, Glio/Twabo administrative District
  • Citizens empowerment through job creation The concession agreement of  Horizon Logging Company in Konobo Statutory District The concession agreement of Rubbin light logging company in Jarwondee, Putu administrative district The ongoing negotiation of reopening of the Putu mining company, Putu Administrative District The approved solid wastes management project intended to clean and beautified Zwedru city in partnership with WHH.

In their previous petition with gross insolence addressed to the Superintendent count 10 which says: “We the citizens of Grand Gedeh County cannot easily reach the President directly and indeed you been vicegerent in the county, we are putting our concern for equal participation in government before you the percentage of citizens in Grand Gedeh who voted Mr. Weah to become President has not been reciprocated by way of equal participation in central government”.

In order to counter-react their count above, below are names of sons and daughters of Grand Gedeh County in central government:

#NamePositionMinistry / Agency
 Hon. Alloycious Tarlue GovernorCentral Bank of Liberia
 Hon. Willimena   Piso  Saylee   Tar MinisterMinistry of Gender Children/ Social Protection
 Hon. Joseph TardeyDept. Director Adm.Forestry Development  Authority  (FDA)
 Amb. Isaac W. NyenaboAmbassador at-largeEuropean Union  (EU)
 Proff. Alex Y. Yonly, Sr.Executive DirectorLiberia Institute of public Administration  (LIPA)
 Hon. Jeremiah G. Sokan   Head of Secretariat / Climate ChangeEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)
 Cllr. Kanio Gba-GbalaDept. Commissioner for AdministrationLiberia Anti-Corruption 
 Hon. Jestino Sharty Gaye3rd SecretaryLiberia Permanent Mission to the United Nation in New York
 Hon. Randall DobayouDept. Director of AdministrationEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)
 Hon. Kwamie Opa WeeksExecutive Director Liberia News Agency  (LINA)
 Cllr. Nyonkpao R.G  DayeCounty Atty Grand Cape Mount County (MOJ)
  Mr. Augustine P. JoloMinister Counselor  AssistanceEuropean Union/ Liberia Embassy
 Boikai BoleyExecutive Director  National Aids Control Program (NACP)
 Prince LieyeeDeputy Controller  GeneralMinistry of Finance

Relative to the petition written by our elders, these are the inventive used against the Hon. Supt, which indirectly refers to the President of Liberia under whose regime Hon. Kar G. Farley was appointed.

  1. Insensitive – meaning not mentally or morally sensitive.
  2. Ineptitude– meaning absurdity, nonsense, foolishness, uselessness, silliness, stupidity.
  3. Lackadaisical- meaning disincline, baseless, thoughtless, silly and barren.

Having read the etymology of these words used against the County President in Superintendent Farley, we the conscious minded United Grand Gedeans for Sustainable Peace and Development have come to strongly condemn their clueless and bias communications addressed to Superintendent Farley and to the President through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, based on the following counts:

  1. That the quote on quote senior concerned citizens communications written denigrate and undermine the hard earned peace and stability of our county yea Liberia.
  1. That those who claim to be under the banner of concerned Senior citizen are all opposition politicians who don’t want to see the progress of  the Pro-Poor Agenda to be achieved in Grand Gedeh.
  1. The deliberate refusal of the quote on quote elders under the banner of concern to dialogue with the Superintendent, the religions council, civil society organization and the press, clearly spelled out their devilish political intend to digress the developmental agenda of mama Gedeh.
  1. Their fights against the county superintendent are selective based on peer envy, jealousy and prejudice as it was promised by their political God father for one of them to replace Superintendent Farley.
  • It has been disclosed to confuse the ruling establishment to make them infamous and incite the citizens against the national government to make opposition to take over Grand Gedeh County comes 2023 general and presidential elections.
  • That their continue undermining has been seen as a source of income for unpatriotic Grand Gedean in the name of advocacy at the detriment of our people.
  • That the signatures solicited from the eight (8) administrative districts are fraudulent and does not trigger down to the chiefs and elders of said district which is criminal in nature and unprecedented.
  • That the quotes on quote petitioners lack all moral standings to condemn, criticize, and demand the immediate dismissal of presidential appointee.

In view of said counts; the United Grand Gedeans for Sustainable Peace and Development is pleased to inform the public in general that (count #:10), contradicts the actual reality and do not reflect the core values of a patriotic citizen and appears depreciative to President Weah for including Grand Gedeans in national government and undermines the appreciation made by the citizens to President Weah during his national counties tour.

Fellow Grand Gedean, our chiefs and elders, Grand Gedeh legislative caucus, our marketeers, the religious council, the students community, the business community pin-pin riders (Motorcycle), yanna boys, our tribal heads, disable community, eight administrative district, youth and members of the press, the united Grand Gedean for sustainable peace and development blend her voice with many voices to say to the citizens to remain calm and focus, the best way to sustain the peace and tranquility of our county (Grand Gedeh ) and country ( Liberia) is to dialogue and find amicable solution on issues confronting our county (Grand Gedeh) instead of personal acridizement in fostering peace and development.

Long live mama Gedeh

Long live the patriotic sons and daughters of the land of the rising sun.

Long live the conscious minded men and women of the united Grand Gedean for sustainable peace and development

Long live mama Liberia.    

Signed: ______________________

               Joseph C. Wahblo, Jr.

                  Head of Secretariat


           Cell#: 0880496765/0776110054

Approved: _________________________

                      Gibson Tarpeh

               Executive Director (UGGSPD)

               Cell#: 0880605368/0776243547

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