Liberia: Solicitor General Says Menipakei Dumoe’s Statement Undermines the Peace & Security of the State

“Menikpakei Dumoe for strange reason decided to test our resolves. Today, it has been proven that his statement created fear and it is a campaign of terror and misinformation that clearly represents the fake and dangerous news I was taking about,” Cllr. Cephus told journalists late Wednesday evening.
– Cllr. Cyrennius Cephus, Solicitor General

J.H. Webster Clayeh (0886729972)

Monrovia – The Solicitor General of Liberia Cllr. Cyrennius Cephus says the statement made by political activist Menipakei Dumoe has the propensity to created fear among Liberians and is against the State of Emergency proposed by President George Weah.

President Weah last month in consultation with the national Legislature declared a State of Emergency in an effort to fight the deadly Coronavirus pandemic. 

Not long afterward, Cllr. Cephus took to the airwaves to stress that anyone engaging in ‘fake news’ that is detrimental to the state will be dealt with in accordance with the law.

“This is a man decided to make a very reprehensible statement that term to undermine the peace and security of the state. You can criticize your government but to give an order for a call to arms is very serious.”  

Cllr. Cyrennius Cephus, Solicitor General

Despite so many outcries from the public and independent media institutions; the Solicitor General remains defiant on his stance that Dumoe’s statement posted on the social media crossed the line of the State of Emergency.

Cllr. Cephus, addressing journalists on the ground of the Liberia National Police Wednesday, after a long meeting with state security officers, said Dumoe’s statement was in terror. 

“Menikpakei Dumoe for strange reason decided to test our resolves. Today, it has been proven that his statement created fear and it is a campaign of terror and misinformation that clearly represents the fake and dangerous news I was taking about,” Cllr. Cephus told journalists late Wednesday evening.

“This is a man decided to make a very reprehensible statement that term to undermine the peace and security of the state. You can criticize your government but to give an order for a call to arms is very serious,” Solicitor General of Liberia stated. 

25 COVID-19 Passes Seized 

Cllr. Cephus went on to say that in keeping with the criminal procedure law a writ of “search and seizure” was executed at the home of Mr. Dumoe.

He added that in the process of conducting the search and seizure order, significant documents were seized and have been taken in for investigation by the Liberia National Police.

“Prior to coming here today, I had thought that it was just the making and posting of the statement. I did not know that there were other documentations and other issues that require clarity,” Cllr. Cephus said.

He added: “Part of the issues, for example, Menipakei Dumoe alone has 25 COVID-19 passes. Well, he acquired them legitimately but what was the purpose? He said he engages in cars business but there is no record around where he is involves in transportation business.”

According to Cllr. Cephus, there is a need for extensive investigation about how Dumoe got hold of 25 COVID-19 passes, something the Liberia’s Solicitor says he does not have. 

“Dumoe used what is termed as a misrepresentation, deception and fraud to procure 25 COVID-19 passes. What was his objective of procuring these things? One person 25 COVID-19 passes, I who here do not have any COVID-19 pass,” he said.

Cllr. Cephus added: “I was coming this afternoon with intent to say let the man go, but when I looked at the documentation and other things that were seized from his house; I say no. let’s do an intensive investigation and let the police counter some of these things. Let them talk to him (Dumoe) as to whether some of what he is saying is true or whether he had just manufactured some of these things.”

Under the law, 48 hours is required before a person who has been charged for a crime can have their day in court. But Mr. Dumoe is set to spent 72 hours in detention. Cllr. Cephus says Dumoe will have his day in court after the Unification, Day holiday which means the Acting head of the Council of Patriots will spend three days in police custody.

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