Ruling Unity Party Builds Stronghold in Nimba County

Sanniquellie City – Vote rich Nimba is likely to be split in the October presidential and general elections as two formidable candidates in the race – Unity Party’s Joseph Boakai and Liberty Party’s Charles Brumskine are both tightening their grip on the county.

Report by Al-Varney Rogers  –

Nimba Couny is the second most populated county in Liberia, next to Montserrado County.

To pull votes from Nimba, Liberty Party recently selected a son of the soil as its vice presidential candidate.

But a recent mass gathering of grassroots supporters of the Unity Party, particularly among women in the county leaves observers in doubt as to who controls the county.

The women gathered in their numbers in Sanniquellie to reaffirm their support to the ruling party’s standard bearer.

Under the banner of – Nimba Women Conference, the women from all walks of life across the county pledged to work to ensure that Vice President Boakai is elected President by the people of Nimba County.

The ruling party’s Chairman Wilmot Paye speaking at the gathering said the Nimba Women Conference rally support for Vice President Boakai is a clear demonstration of their commitment.

“The women were excellent, they did well to come from across the county, all the districts women leaders – I’m talking about opinion leaders – what more can anybody do to demonstrate commitment to you. Recently, a group of professionals came together and did similar,” Paye said.

He further disclosed that the raising of funds by the women for the Vice President is not a normal practice in Liberia, adding that other counties should take cue from Nimba. 

“Just look at the reality, they even collected their own money and they didn’t tell us, they have never done this for any politician in Liberia; when the women say it they mean it and when they main it they say it. We want to appreciate them and encourage all of the grassroots people across this country to take cue from them,” Paye added.

The Unity Party Chairman urged grassroots groupings to take ownership of the political process by supporting Boakai who he described as their true identity.

“When Obama wanted to be President the grass rooters took ownership of it, not that Obama couldn’t raise one or two cent but they wanted to demonstrate that he was their own their identity and Joseph Boakai is the identity of the ordinary people,” Paye said. 

“We want the rest of Liberians to do this, what they did here no commitment can speak louder than this.”

Paye claimed that the women’s convention in Sanniquellie was far bigger Liberty Party’s gathering in Saclepea.

“The is no relationship between what happen here today and what happened in Saclepea where barely hundred people assembled in one small room and where more than one thousand women leaders assemble in Sanniquellie.”

“I don’t see the comparison, you are comparing life and death, we are confident that the people of this country, the masses they know their leader and they will definitely make the determination,” Paye said.

 Paye promised the women that Vice President Boakai will soon name his running mate to put an end to speculations.

“Everybody are concern about the vice president choosing his running mate, what I can say that person can come from any part of Liberia, Nimba is as important as Bong or any other county, what the person will need which cannot be negotiated is strong integrity, commitment to service and believe in the Vice President’s vision,” Paye said.

The brain behind the organizing of the Nimba women conference, Felecia Yormie, said women’s support to the Vice President is due to his untainted record of public service.

“VP Boakai is the most qualified indigenous Liberian; in Liberia men always want to be the head, for a Liberian man to be Vice President to a women, he’s got to be humble, honest and God fearing,” Yormie said.

“The Bible says humble yourself and God will lift you up, the Vice President worked with the President for years without problem, it means we should pay him back by making him President.” 

Madam Yormie said rallying women’s support for the Vice President is beyond Nimba, adding that they are building relationship with women from Grand Gedeh as well.

In 2005 elections, women’s support particularly, rural women’s support to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was critical to her victory.

With support been generated by rural women if truly turns out to votes, the Vice President might be in the driving seats this 2017 elections.

Representing Vice President Boakai Madam Magdalene Dagoseh thanked the women, adding that they are pleased with the turnout.

“I’m so pleased, the only thing I can say is thank you. They have made my day, we are grateful to them. This is not their first time, the women have started raising their fund already,” Dagoseh said.

 Dagoseh continued: “They have raised 200,000 LD, this is a new beginning and normally it is the standard bearer who gives money, meaning that they are serious and committed to the process.” 

Recently, Scores of Nimbians, particularly women, paraded the streets of Ganta in support of Vice President Joseph Boakai.

The crowd converged at the J.W. Pearson sport pitch, dressing in different attires with the inscription “Support Boakai.”

The group, Patriotic Nimbians Movement for Boakai with no financial assistance, gathered in their numbers to show support for the Vice President.

Nimba CountyUP
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