Liberia: Nimba County Sen. Koung Breaks Ground for Construction of US$500,000 Bridge

Yarpea, Nimba County – Nimba County Senator, Jeremiah Kpan Koung has broken ground for the construction of a bridge on Yar River, Yarpea Chiefdom.

The bridge with the estimated cost of US$500,000, according to Senator Koung, will connect towns and villages between Electoral Districts #4 and 3; as well as Districts #2 and #5 in Nimba County.

During the ground breaking ceremony on Friday, April 22, the Senator donated one power-saw with five hundred bags of cement to jump-start the construction of the bridge. The government of Liberia through the Ministry of Public works, according to Senator Koung, will contribute to the construction project. He said his office is working out all modalities to have budgetary allocation for said project.

The ground breaking was part of the Senator’s ongoing thanks and appreciation tour across the county. On Friday, before the ground breaking ceremony, Senator Koung stopped in Sanniquellie where he appreciated residents of Sanniquellie Mah Chiefdom for voting him in the 2020 midterm senatorial election. He told citizens that election has gone and it is about time for everyone to join him in developing the county.

In Duo-Tiayea, the Senator also received a rousing welcome from citizens of Yarpea Chiefdom. He applauded the people of the Chiefdom for electing him as senator. He vowed to work closely with the people in bringing the needed development in the county. According to him, no other person can better transform the county besides the people of Nimba.

Senator Koung, a stalwart of the Movement for Democracy & Reconstruction (MDR) triumphed in the fiercely contested 2020 Senatorial election over his closest rival, Madam Edith Gongloe Weh. Prior to his election to the Liberian Senate, he served as Representative of Nimba District #1 eight years.

Senator Koung has been credited for his immense contribution to the health and education sectors of the county. On his appreciation tour, he is also breaking grounds for several projects across the county. According to him, the projects are in fulfillment of his campaign promises made to the people of Nimba during the 2020 midterm election.

He said the best way to serve the people of Nimba is not to relax without doing anything, instead, it is privilege given him join citizens to transform the county through development. The ongoing projects, according to him is not for campaign purposes because he is not going to election in 2023.

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