Liberia: US$20m Suit Hangs Over Senate Secretary

MONROVIA – The Civil Law Court at the Temple of Justice has slapped a US$20 million lawsuit on Nanborlor Singbeh in the case involving him and Hans Armstrong for the action of damages or defamation.

Report by Victoria G. Wesseh, Contributing Writer

Plaintiff Armstrong through his lawyers, prayed the court and Judge Sammy, to adjudge the defendant Singbeh, liable for the amount not less than 20,000.000.00 million as general damages for the emotional trauma.

Plaintiff’s lawyers indicated that public humiliation, seclusion, and denied shame and loss of business reputation that he (Hans Armstrong has built for over three (3) decades and grant unto Singbah any other relief that the court and Judge Sammy may deem just legal, and equitable in the premises.

Plaintiff lawyer Amara M. Sheriff  quoted section 2.11 (4) of the Civil Procedural Law, which provides that “an action for injuries to the reputation shall  be commenced within one year of the time the right relief accrued but the plaintiff says that at the time defendant Singbeh sent the letter to the Chief Justice Francis Kporkpor and its subsequent publication in Heritage Newspaper on November 24, 2022.”

“Plaintiff  did not know, could not have known and did not have reasons to know or did not have reasons until one of his friends who was reviewing most local dailies online came across the September 24, 2020 edition of Heritage Newspaper and immediately informed him.”

 Plaintiff lawyers pointed out that he has resolved to adopt a child to whom he has continued to provide maintenance and support and other necessities of life to him, but due to the defaming publication to the injury and detriment of his reputation,  he can not proceed with the adoption exercise. Plaintiff said he would prove all of these assertions during the trial of the case.

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