Women’s Action for Rights & Empowerment Solicits Women Support in Its Quest for Establishment of War Crimes Court in Liberia

MONROVIA– Women’s Action for Rights and Empowerment (WARE) on Thursday held a townhall meeting with community dwellers of Old and New Mataldi and Waysay community in Sinkor; requesting their participation in the advocacy for the establishment of war crimes court in Liberia.

WARE with implementing partners: Women NGO Secretariat of Liberia (WONGOSOL), CONCILIATION RESOURCES and UN Women’s peace and humanitarian fund are the four groups working together to secure women participation and views to end impunity and ensure war crimes court is established in Liberia.

According to WARE’s Executive Director, Maima Robinson, the project is being held with the theme: “Enhancing Women’s Meaningful Participation In National Advocacy for Accountability for War Crimes In Liberia.”

She said her organization and implementing partners have been engaged with women groupings to increase the understanding of women on the Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC) recommendations, and how women can be included in the recommendation process of the TRC.

“The project started last year October and expected to end in February, we’ve been engaged with the women  to increase their understanding on the TRC recommendations because there are several things within the TRC recommendations that women need to know before attaching their signature,” she said.

She further said most of the people who are engaged with the TRC conversations are male dominate and she feels it’s now time for women to get involved in the call for the establishment of war crimes court.

“There is a need for us to have people faced justice and end the act of impunity; the time is now  for women to standup in joining the called for the establishment of war crimes court and together with optimism the court will be established soon in Liberia with the level of women participation we are getting,” she said.

Leo James, one of the participants during the meeting lauded the organization for the effort shown in their quest for the establishment of war crimes court.

“I am appealing for the war crimes court to be brought to Liberia, so that people who were involved can face justice at least some of us who are victim of the war can see perpetrators from the war bear punishment for crimes committed,” he said.

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