Legislative Reporters Commend Senate for New Reform; Wants House Do Same

Our Correspondent September 12, 2022

MONROVIA – The leadership and members of the Legislative Press Pool (LEGISPOL), has commended the leadership and members of the Liberian Senate for the recent reform instituted in the style of voting for crucial legislations.

According to a statement issued by the leadership of LEGISPOL, in recent days, reporters covering the Legislature specifically the Liberian Senate witnessed a mayor change in the style of voting for bills and resolution through a record system that ensures members are voting through showed of hands and roll call base on County Representation.

“We thank the senate for abolishing the old order of voting ‘yea and Nay’ and encourage the House of Representatives to follow similar best practice as it is done in other parliaments in Africa and the world over.”

Mr. Henry Karmo who is the president of journalists covering the legislature in a statement said, the reform instituted by the Senate enables reporters properly or adequately report to the public on how individuals’ lawmakers vote on issues affecting them.

“What this does is that it gives the Public information about how their Representatives voted on issues that could affect their livelihood or positively impact them. The new reform has made it easier for journalist covering the legislature to inform the public about how their lawmakers voted.

“We want to also thank the Senate Pro-Tempore who had earlier promised to work with his colleagues in instituting reform measures. We view this new style of voting as   fulfillment of his commitment which is intended to do away with the many secret sessions and do business in the open.”

Over the years,   reporters have witnessed several major decision taken by the legislature that has to some extend significantly impacted or affected the Livelihood of Liberians just by voting Yea and Nay.

At some point these lawmakers issue declaimer as a result of Public criticism against some of these decision.

Karmo  Said: “For example; records shows that votes taken to ratify oil block-13 under the Alex Tyler Speakership was done by yea and Nay, the Vote to remove Justice Kabina Ja’neh was done by   secret ballots, the Eton and EBOMAF deal that has turned out to be a failed deal was ratified by yea and nay.

“We in this manner encourage the House of Representatives headed by Dr. Bhofal Chambers as Speaker to institute some of these reforms in the spirit of transparency and openness. Honorable Speaker and members of the House of Representatives, we trust that with your commitment of transparency and open Way of doing business, in the coming days we will witness similar reform.”

‘LEGISPOL’ is the acronym for Legislative Press Pool and it’s a body that governs Reporters covering the Legislature.


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