Liberia: Cummings Speaks On Diaspora’s Role In Liberian Politics

Our Correspondent September 12, 2022

MONROVIA – The Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Mr. Alexander Cummings says the Liberian Diaspora can make significant contribution towards nation building, through private sector development and not necessarily to seek employment in government.

Mr. Cummings said Liberians in the diaspora have the requisite skills, talents and resources needed to create a strong private sector, by establishing businesses which are the engine for economic growth and job creation.

The CPP Standard Bearer said a CPP Government will create a diaspora fund to enable Liberians in the diaspora to return home and start businesses that will help create jobs badly needed to get Liberians back to work.  “We are consumed by this thing called government. Government is not a job creator. Government creates the enabling environment for the private sector to thrive and create jobs,” Cummings said.

Cummings further said Liberians in the diaspora, whether in Asia, the United States, Europe, or elsewhere must see it as a shared obligation and responsibility to bring back home, their expertise and resources to engage in the process of nation building, with commitment to remain law abiding.

“We will change the environment, so that the rules will apply to everybody and will expect everyone to follow the rules. We will encourage Diasporans to come home, help build the private sector, by going into business,” Cummings said.

Cummings assured that under a CPP Government, the rules will be enforced and that those culpable in breaking the law, will be made to bear the consequences in keeping with the law.

He observed that Liberians residing in foreign countries respect and are law-abiding, but upon their return home to Liberia they tend to disregard the laws, which he said will not be tolerated under a CPP Government.

Cummings said laws will be simplified and will be applied to everyone irrespective of status or creed and those caught in violations, will be dealt with in keeping with the law.


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