Liberia: National Port Authority Pays US$30k to Musician to Perform ‘Born to Win’ for Pres. Weah

Our Correspondent September 12, 2022

MONROVIA – In the wake of severe economic hardship in the country, the Government of Liberia (GOL), through the National Port Authority (NPA) has made a payment of US$30,000 to United States-based Liberian musician Edwin Darlington Tweh for performing his ‘Born To Win’ song for four (4) minutes at Liberia’s 172nd Independence Day Celebration.

Edwin D. Tweh alias D12 is a young Liberian artist and music engineer residing in the United States of America.

His hit songs titled ‘Nobody’ and ‘Born to win’ have gained him numerous fans in Liberia, including President George Weah.

D12 was invited by the Liberian government to perform at Liberia’s 172nd Independence Day Celebration held at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville, outside Monrovia.

He was hand-picked by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to perform before President George Manneh Weah, who is one of his biggest fans, and other dignitaries and foreign guests at the Independence Day Celebration.

After his Independence Day performance, D12 also performed at the Old Road Joe Bar Market dedication ceremony upon the request of President Weah on August 7, 2019.

The Liberian Chief Executive has been seen on numerous occasions dancing “Born to Win” at national programs and events organized by both the government and his Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) party.

President Weah sang and danced to the song at the Joe Bar Market dedication ceremony, and the campaign launch of his party’s candidates, Abu Bana Kamara, and Paulita Wie held at the CDC headquarters, during the campaign period of the just ended combined Montserrado County by-elections.

Eminent government officials, including the Speaker of the 54th National Legislature, Bhofal Chambers, Senate Pro-Tempore, Albert Chie, and several other party officials, including CDC Chairman Mulbah Morlu join the President when he sang and danced Born to win.”

The US$30,000 Ecobank check to D12 reads: “For service rendered to the NPA from August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020”.

A photograph of the check went viral on the social media on Friday, September 13.

In a statement posted on Facebook, Malcolm Scott, Communications Director of the NPA, Confirmed the payment and issuance of US$ 30, 000 check to the D12 Music INC.

According to him, “Born to win”, is a popular Liberian Music admired by many home and abroad.

“When news broke out in Liberia that the Group was to officially perform the song during Liberia’s 172nd Independence, many Liberians hailed the Independence Day Celebration Organizing Committee’s farsightedness for promoting Liberian music and musicians in general. For the past forty-eight hours, critics of the Weah’s administration have taken heels to the social media with photos of the official check stipulating the amount of USD 30, 000.00 issued on July 31, 2019 by the National Port Authority to Edwin D. Tweh of the D12 Music Group Inc for musical services provided during the Independence Celebration claiming that the amount paid was exorbitant,” he stated.

Scott, quoting NPA Managing Director Bill Twehway as saying on a local radio talk show that the “check in circulation on the Facebook was valid and authentic.”

He confirmed that the amount of US$30,000.00 was paid to five persons of the D12 Group Music INC for their services rendered, but was issued in the name of the group’s head and there was nothing to hide.

The NPA Communication Director, however, fell short to disclose the names of the remaining four persons.

“It is unfortunate for some Liberians to criticize the NPA’s decision to pay fellow Liberians who rendered services for the country claiming that the amount in question was excessive. I think this is an attack and insult on the entertainment industry and I am calling on members of the industry to condemn this,” he quoted Mr. Tweahway as further saying.

According to the NPA statement, the amount covers a one-year contract deal between the Government of Liberia (GOL) and the group for musical performances whenever the group is called upon during public events and encompasses the trip fare to and from the USA, lodging feeding and extra amenities of the group during the Independence Celebration.


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