Liberia: Young Liberian Humanitarian Pays Fees of 30 Students, Donates Educational Materials to Public School in The Borough of New Kru Town

Our Correspondent September 12, 2022

MONROVIA – An eminent resident of the Borough of New Kru Town on the Bushrod Island, outside Monrovia has identified with struggling Liberian parents by paying the fees of about 30 students at St. Paul Elementary and Junior High School.

The school which is located in the St. Paul Bridge Community is a government-run institution that is paying host to hundreds of students.

Mr. Nanlee Johnson presented the amount of L$87,000 to the school’s authorities for the registration of the students, and also donated several cartoons of copy books and boxes of pens and pencils worth L$34,000 for distribution to the students.

He made the presentation on Tuesday, January 12, at the school premises.

Making the presentation, Mr. Johnson disclosed that the gesture was intended to alleviate some of the numerous challenges confronting parents, most of whom are unable to pay the fees of their children as a result of the huge economic challenges in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.

He added that the educational materials will ease the constraint of scarcity of learning materials some of the students are faced with.

“I was once a student like you and I grew up right in St. Paul Bridge. Looking at the difficulties in Liberia as a whole and in fact globally as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, at this time, we though it wise to come together and say let us come back to our community and give something”.

“We could have paid school fees for as many as we could, but because of financial difficulties, we have decided to put small thing together to come and help some of you who your parents have not been able to pay your fees”.

He pointed out that the fund provided will complete the fees of other students who parents didn’t pay their registration or tuition fees in full; while other students’ yearly fees will be settled completely.

“It is not much; but little is much when God is in it. With the little that we have given, it will help some of you to be able to be in school this year”.

Mr. Johnson used the occasion to urge the students to take their lessons very seriously if they must be successful in the future.

He said students must study harder if they must score better marks and always obey and respect their teachers.

“Nothing should stop you from doing what you can do. To the girls most especially, I don’t want you to be intimidated by the boys. You can do better”.

He, however, promised to award scholarships for the next academic year to the top five female and three male students who score high averages this academic year.

Receiving the items and cash, the school’s Principal, Mr. Cyrenius Wrobeh, commended Mr. Johnson for identifying with the school and the students.

“On behalf of this institution, we like to extend our thanks and appreciation to you for this farsightedness to ensure that our Liberian students get the best. You are one of those persons that believe in building the human resource capacity of this country”.

He expressed the hope that God will continue to provide for Mr. Johnson and his family to be able to in turn provide aid to the needy.


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