Liberia: ANC Leader Urges NEC to Tread Cautiously Over Biometric Bidding Process

Our Correspondent September 12, 2022
Addressing a news conference Monday, Mr. Alexander Cummings, leader of the Alternative National Congress and the Collaborating Political Parties(CPP) took issue with the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change government for neglecting what he termed as the constitutional requirement for conducting free and fair General and Presidential elections in 2023.
Addressing a news conference Monday, Mr. Alexander Cummings, leader of the Alternative National Congress and the Collaborating Political Parties(CPP) took issue with the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change government for neglecting what he termed as the constitutional requirement for conducting free and fair General and Presidential elections in 2023.

Monrovia- Alexander Cummings, the Political Leader of the Alternative National Congress (ANC) and Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Party (CPP) says he is alarmed about the growing perception of incompetence and corruption surrounding the contract of a vendor for the biometric voter registration.

Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, the Political Leader of the Alternative National Congress (ANC) and Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Party (CPP) has alarmed over what he termed as the growing perception of incompetence and corruption surrounding the contract of a vendor for biometric voter registration.

Addressing a news conference Monday at the Headquarters of Liberty Party after his return home over the weekend from visits to Canada and the United States, Mr. Cummings called on the National Elections Commission (NEC) to seek the right public procurement process and contract, preferably from other democratic countries. 

Mr. Cummings added that only the most highly competent and reputable vendor, one who has track records and proven abilities should be given the contract.

“We are alarmed about the growing perception of incompetence and corruption surrounding the contract of a vendor for the biometric voter registration,” CPP Standard Bearer said.

Said Mr. Cummings: “The National Elections Commission (NEC) is strongly advised to scrupulously follow the public procurement process and contract, preferably from other

democratic countries, only the most highly competent and reputable vendor, one whose track records and proved abilities are impeccable and without doubts. The

current controversial vendor is unacceptable.”

According to Mr. Cummings, the credibility of free and fair elections is not determined on election day. He added that the credibility and transparency of the processes that lead up to the actual voting on election day will guarantee the credibility of the elections and safeguard the country’s democracy. “President Weah and his administration, therefore, have a duty to provide the resources that are needed and to do so promptly -so that the electoral processes and procedures are done credibly and within the required constitutional timeframe,” he said.

The ANC and CPP leader added: “This is why we urge the National Elections Commission to immediately request technical assistance to execute the smooth transition to the biometric system.”

According to him, NEC has no internal experience or proven capacities adding that it has never worked with a biometric system. He, however, called on the government to pay for what he termed as much-needed technical assistance to smoothly conduct the process.

Mr. Cummings lamented that Liberia’s democracy belongs to the Liberian people. “Many sons and daughters fought, bled, and died for our democracy. We can outsource for expertise, but we must never outsource the proud ownership of our democracy. Owning our democracy, including by funding it, is an important measure of our independence. The Liberian Government therefore must appropriately and adequately fund the continued credibility and integrity of Liberia’s democracy. It is time to stop the stealing and fund the Liberian people’s cherished democracy.”

He added that upgrading to the biometric system from the previous manual one is a matter of growing concern for many Liberians.

Mr. Cummings added, “We must move ahead if we are to continue to deepen our democracy and guarantee its integrity. We also know that all successful transitions to the use of technology require running the new system next to the old.”

Weah’s Govt Disobeying Constitutional Demands

Mr. Cummings also took issue with the ruling CDC government for neglecting what he termed as the constitutional requirement for conducting free and fair General and Presidential elections in 2023.

He added that the most important duty of any democratic government is to provide for the free and fair conduct of democratic elections.

According to Mr. Cummings, people get to decide who will lead them when the transfer of power is smooth and peaceful. “Repeatedly, the Weah administration has acted not to obey the constitutional demand for the timely conduct of elections. We will not permit it this time – enough is enough,” Mr. Cummings said.

Said Mr. Cummings: “Let there be no mistake: The Presidential and General Elections, as well as all of its attending processes and procedures, must be adhered to as provided for in the Liberian Constitution.” 

The CPP Standard Bearer says as opposition he will make sure to hold the Weah Administration to its sworn responsibility and not allow a compromise of the character and integrity of Liberia’s democracy.

Government Playing to Conduct Census

Also, Mr. Cummings says since the Weah government came into power in 2018, it is yet to conduct the population census adding that it is a constitutional requirement. “Since 2018, President Weah has fooled around with the conduct of the National Housing and Population Census. Less than a year before the Presidential and General Elections in 2023 the administration is still playing around with the conduct of the Census which is a constitutional demand,” he said.

Mr. Cummings declared that “No President of Liberia who will not obey and honor the Liberian Constitution deserves to be regarded as President.”


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